Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Grumpy Pants is TOO Smart!

There are so many reasons I love Elyse, most especially because the girl has always had a unique style all her own! Since day one, she has been extreme, especially with her emotions. She can be laughing hysterically one minute and bawling the next (and then back again!). It's definitely never half way with her! Luckily, I have learned to smile at her grumpiness as well as her cheerfulness!!!

I was trying to catch an impromptu moment in the car of Elyse "talking" on the phone, but I like the video I got even better! It captures grumpy Elyse very well, and it is a glimpse into her being a little too smart for her own good! Listen for the part where she asks what is blinking...that is definitely the red light blinking on the camera that it is recording, which she clearly figures out! I hope it makes you laugh as hard as I did! :)


Laura said...

HA HA! Love it! That was hilarious!!!

JoAnna said...

That is great!! She sounds like me!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that is exactly what happens every time with Sasha! We can never get any good video anymore!