Friday, February 27, 2009

Elyse is Three!

Elyse turned three the beginning of February, and anyone who knows Elyse knows she has personality so of course her party and her presents were both definitely full of exactly that! Just weeks after Elyse's Elmo second birthday party, she decided she wanted a Mickey party. That girl never once changed her mind or forgot about it! It was pretty funny to hear her tell other people about it and to make sure she let certain people know they were, in fact, invited!

So to make things even more comical, about a month before her birthday she got some great ideas about what she wanted for her birthday. Inspired by a trip to North Carolina this past spring, she decided she needed her own rocking chair, and was *tickled* to find out they made them in her size. To go along with a new obsession with all things fleece, she also decided she wanted a "comfy blanket" and a bathrobe. Soooo...going on three, or going on eighty?!?! What a goofball - she definitely has a style all her own! :)

Elyse's Mickey party was a great time. It was the first birthday party for her we were able to have at our OWN house, since moving this past summer, and that was amazing in and of itself. I was a little intimidated to make a Mickey cake for Elyse, until Kenny decided he wanted to try and I was ALL for that. He did an amazing job and I am pretty sure he just got hired as the family cake decorator! Most of Elyse's favorite people were able to come and she had a great day. She was too excited to take a nap so she wasn't quite as high energy as usual, but much better behaved then I ever could have hoped without enough sleep! And much to her delight she got her rocking chair, comfy blanket and bathrobe, along with many other wonderful gifts. So we'll call it a success this year - and I'm sure we'll be hearing about the theme for her fourth birthday ANY day now!!!


Laura said...

Still can't get over that cake!

ZoomZoomZoom said...

hey sarah! im following your blog so i can see your beautiful family and read what you're up to! hope all is well and have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

So I tried to make a cake similar to the idea of the Mickey cake (but it was a different shape). It didn't work out for me at all. In fact half of the cake stuck to the pan while the other half that came out broke into two pieces. I ended up making another one, ugh.